Bartłomiej Fraś, Martyna Pastuszka – Duranowski/Lolli: Violin Duets CD

August Duranowski:
Duo concertant in B Major, Op 3 No. 1
Duo concertant in D Major, Op. 3 No. 2
Antonio Lolli:
Sonata for two violins in A Major, Op. 9 No. 3


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SKU: PROSP0116 Category:

August Fryderyk Duranowski (1770–1834) und Antonio Lolli (ca. 1725–1802) waren beide bedeutende Violinisten und Komponisten des 18. Jahrhunderts. Duranowski wurde sehr vom polnischen Adelsgeschlecht der Ogiński unterstützt, die etwa eine Ausbildung beim berühmten Geiger Giovanni Battista Viotti in Paris finanzierten. Trotz der zeitlichen Überschneidungen und stilistischen Gemeinsamkeiten gibt es keine bekannten direkten Verbindungen zwischen den Duranowski und Lolli, jedoch lassen sich interessante Gemeinsamkeiten und mögliche Einflüsse feststellen.
August Fryderyk Duranowski (1770-1834) and Antonio Lolli (ca. 1725-1802) were both important violinists and composers of the 18th century. Duranowski was strongly supported by the Polish noble family of the Ogiński, who financed his training with the famous violinist Giovanni Battista Viotti in Paris. Despite the temporal overlaps and stylistic similarities, there are no known direct connections between the Duranowski and Lolli, but interesting similarities and possible influences can be identified, such as the fact that both were outstanding virtuosos of their time. Antonio Lolli was known for his technical skills and his innovative contributions to violin playing technique, which laid the foundations for the modern violin style. Duranowski was also a brilliant virtuoso whose playing and compositions significantly influenced the development of violin music. His works are even said to have inspired Niccolò Paganini.

Weight 150 g