Marie-Claude Chappuis / Christian Chamorel / Quatuor Sine Nomine – “But the greatest of these is love…” Johannes Brahms: Vier Ernste Gesänge, op. 121, Lieder & Piano Pieces CD


1 Meine Liebe ist grün, Op. 63 No. 5 (Felix Schumann) 1.33
2 Von ewiger Liebe, Op. 43 No. 1 (Josef Wenzig) 4.21
3 Dein blaues Auge, Op. 59 No. 8 (Klaus Groth) 1.47
4 Am Sonntag Morgen, Op. 49 No. 1 (Paul Heyse) 1.14
5 Intermezzo, Op. 116 No. 4 4.27
Deutsche Volkslieder, WoO 33
6 No. 5: Die Sonne scheint nicht mehr 1.19
7 No. 6: Da unten im Tale 1.38
8 No. 25: Mein Mädel hat einen Rosenmund 1.29
9 Die Mainacht, Op. 48 No. 2 3.01
(Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty)
10 Capriccio, Op. 116 No. 3 3.07
Zwei Gesänge, Op. 91
11 No. 1 Gestillte Sehnsucht (Friedrich Rückert) 5.59
12 No. 2 Geistliches Wiegenlied (Emanuel Geibel) 5.07
13 Capriccio, Op. 116 No. 1 2.32
Vier ernste Gesänge, Op. 121 for Bass and Orchestra, arr. for mezzo-soprano and String Quartet by Jean-Pierre Moeckli
14 No. 1: Denn es gehet (Ecclesiastes) 5.00
15 No. 2: Ich wandte mich (Ecclesiastes) 3.30
16 No. 3: O Tod (Ecclesiasticus or Sirach) 4.01
17 No. 4: Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelszungen redete (Paulus, Erster Brief an die Korinther) 5.11


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“But the greatest of these i love…” – an extremely interesting Brahms album dealing with the “metaphysical” Johannes Brahms, interested in religiosity and transcendence, with the “Four Serious Songs” completed in 1896 as the pivotal point. When the mezzo-soprano Marie-Claude and the pianist Christian Chamorel began to work out the programme for joint concerts and ultimately for an album, they quickly realised that an approach via an interpretation guided primarily by the instrumental, as well as a combination of the most diverse instrumentations, would give the project a welcome personal touch. Just like the haunting transcription of the “Four Serious Songs” for string quartet by violinist and conductor Jean-Pierre Moeckli. And so here we experience a quasi “triple” Brahms: once in the combination of voice-vocal, then in the combination of voice and string quartet and once with selected solo works for piano.