Zeronove, Lukas Wanner – Fux: Kaiserrequiem CD


01 Introitus
02 Kyrie
03 Sequenz
04 Offertorium
05 Sanctus
06 Benedictus
07 Agnus dei
08 Communio

09 Kyrie
10 Gloria
11 Laudamus te
12 Gratias agimus tibi
13 Domine deus
14 Qui tollis
15 Qui tollis (Soli)
16 Qui sedes
17 Quoniam tu solus
18 Cum sancto spirito


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SKU: PROSP0085 Category:

Johann Joseph Fux, is primarily known as a music theorist, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, as the author of the popular “Stabat Mater”. Both can be experienced from a completely different angle on this album with the Ensemble Zeronove under the direction of Lukas Wanner.

The Swiss ensembles Zeronove and I Pizzicanti have made it their mission to bring unknown music back to life.

Johann Joseph Fux was not only the famous counterpoint teacher of the 18th century (from whom Mozart also benefited), as a court musician in Vienna he also wrote this requiem, for example, which was composed in 1720 for the funeral of the Empress’s widow Eleonore Magdalene and was used for many a funeral service at the Habsburg court afterwards.

Pergolesi’s mass was probably composed 10 years later, around 1730. This extensive sacred work is also a discovery and shows a completely different side of the “Stabat Mater” composer.